Interview Picture

There are many different types of interviews used by employers. The most common type is a one-to-one or panel interview. Here are some more details on interview types and what to expect from each one.

Interviews picture

Competency based interviews

These are structured to reflect the competencies or capabilities that an employer is seeking for a particular job or role, and are often part of the job description so you should already be familiar with them. Competencies are specific skills, knowledge and abilities that are essential to perform certain tasks. This is one of the important types of interview.

Chronological interviews

Sometimes the interviewer may ask you to talk about your life, experiences and career in date order, often using your CV as supporting evidence. In this instance, familiarity with the content of your CV can work in your favour.

Technical interviews

If you have applied for a job or placement that requires technical knowledge, it’s likely you’ll be asked questions based around technical issues or hypothetical scenarios to test your knowledge. Alternatively you might be asked to demonstrate how you’ve applied your technical knowledge already through your studies or work experience. Your interviewer won’t expect you to know everything, so don’t be afraid to admit if you can’t answer the question. Just show a willingness to learn.

Strength-based interviews

Strength-based interviews are used to find out what your interests are and what you’re really passionate about. You could be asked ‘what are you good at?’ or ‘what subject do you enjoy most?’ The best thing about them is you can’t really prepare, just be yourself and your energy and interests will shine through.

Unstructured / Informal interviews

These are often known as informal chat. The employer may invite you along to meet them on a one-to-one basis so you can both get to know each other better and find out if you’re a good fit for the role. They’re a good way of finding out whether you like each other. Unstructured interviews may be followed by a more formal interview if you progress to the next stage.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you don’t need to do as much preparation or put in as much effort for an informal interview. These may be more relaxed situations but what you say, do and how you act still has significance.

Portfolio based interviews

If you are applying for a role in communications, media or the arts, you might be asked to bring a portfolio of your work to the interview. It’s likely the interviewer will ask you to talk through pieces of your work in detail to explain your creative thinking process and test how you respond to a brief. 

Case study interviews

Often taking the form of a group exercise, case study interviews could be based on a business problem that needs resolving or a straightforward brainteaser. You’ll be evaluated on your analysis of the problem, how you identify the key issues and how you seek to resolve them.

Panel interviews

You will encounter the panel interview most frequently at large organizations in both the public and private sector. The prospect of being ‘grilled’ by several people at once can be daunting. But remember, you’re there for a reason; they rate you and your application and want to get to know you better. You’ll often find interview panels contain the direct line manager of the role in

question, a representative from HR and/or one other representative. They are designed to ensure the interview process is balanced and fair. There may be one person in the room whose role is to scribe and document all your answers.

Group interviews

Often based around a task, a group of applicants will be placed in a room and their interactions observed. The interviewer/s may ask the group questions and ask you to discuss the topic between you. This scenario will allow the employer to assess teamwork, communication and leadership skills.

Sequential interviews

These are several interviews in turn, with a different interviewer each time. Usually each interviewer is tasked with testing a different set of competencies.

Telephone/SKYPE interviews

Distance interviews are often used if the employer is based overseas or as an early stage of the interview process to help with shortlisting. Always have a paper, pen and a copy of your CV or application to hand.

In conclusion, interviews are a crucial step in the hiring process and can take a variety of forms based on the demands of the employer and the nature of the position. Employers must select the types of interview to ensure a successful hiring process because each has its advantages and disadvantages. 

Hope this Article will help you prepare for your future job interviews.

Also read Performance Management and Rewards System

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