A performance review and planning process is the systematic assessment of the person with regard to their job performance and their potential for advancement within the organization.

The Performance Review and Planning Process is a comprehensive framework that enables managers and employees to collaboratively evaluate past performance, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and outline a roadmap for future development.

In this Article, we will see the step by step of Performance Review and Planning process.



Performance Review and Planning Process

A performance review and planning process is carried out for the following objectives:

1) Review employee’s performance for the period under review

2) Set targets and agree on action plans

3) Give and receive feedback from employee

4) Strengthen linkage between personal and company goals

5) Develop the organization’s human resource, recognise its achievers and assess employee’s potential

The performance review and planning process is therefore a tool to counsel and motivate employees rather than a simple method for making judgment and determining salaries.

Guidelines for Appraiser’s and Reviewer’s

1) The appraiser is normally the appraisee’s immediate supervisor. In the case of transfer, where the period of supervision of the appraisal is less than six months, the appraisee’s previous supervisor should be consulted. Newly confirmed employees who were appraised after September  need not have to complete the form again. The Confirmation Appraisal will suffice.

2) This Performance Review and Planning Form should be countersigned by the appraiser’s supervisor when it is completed and after a discussion with the appraisee has been conducted.

3) All Performance Review and Planning Forms should be submitted to the Department Manager and/or Division Head for their information, if they are not the appraiser or Countersigning Officer.

4) Fairness and objectivity are the keys to an effective performance review and planning process. Hence, appraisers are advised not to refer to past appraisal reports which have no bearing to the period under review.

Please fill in the employee details

Employee Details

Employee Name:


Date of Joining:

Employee Code:


Section 1: Key Responsibilities During Review Period

– State key tasks and assignments performed during the review period.

Section 2: Deliverables & Accomplishments During Review Period

Review accomplishments and specific deliverables that were set for the review period and indicate:

– The extent to which they are achieved

– State / Describe

a) Exceptional Performance

b) Obstacles to achievement

c) Areas for improvement

d) If objective is/will be dropped/discontinued, indicate reason

Section 3: Winning Attributes

Please appraise employees on the various Winning attributes. Must give specific examples to substantiate your rating. Your ratings will not be valid without substantiated examples.

Section 4: Overall Performance Score & Comments

– Scores for Deliverables & Accomplishments and Winning Attributes will be computed automatically. The total score will be the summation of both scores.

– Input comments, where appropriate

Section 5: Training Needs

– Identifying the training needs requirements based on

a) Organization objectives

b) Team goals

c) Individual needs

Section 6: Work Planning

Please identify the quarterly objectives for the employee. List four objectives every quarter

Section 1 – Key Responsibilities

Instructions for Section 1

Identify key responsibilities during the review period and state assignments and tasks performed.

Key Responsibilities during the Review Period

Section 2 – Key Responsibilities

Instructions for Section B:

Review accomplishments and specific deliverables that were set for the review period and indicate:

– The extent to which they are achieved

– State / Describe

a) Exceptional Performance

b) Obstacles to Achievement

c) Areas for Improvements

d) If objective is/will be dropped/discontinued, indicate reason



Section 3 – Winning Attributes

Please appraise employees on the various Winning attributes. You must give specific examples to substantiate your rating. Otherwise, your ratings will not be valid.  


Keep in mind that the performance review and planning process is a path to maximizing the potential of your workforce and fostering long-term success. Accept it totally, provide your employees the tools they need to succeed, and watch your company reach new heights of brilliance and achievement.

Hope you found this Performance Review and Planning Process helpful.


By admin

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