Drug and Alcohol-Free office picture

The introduction of a drug and alcohol-free policy is a key component of promoting workplace safety. Businesses and organizations are becoming more conscious of the need of providing a safe and healthy work environment for their employees as society continues to change. 

This policy is meant to make sure that everyone on staff is aware of what is expected of them when it comes to using drugs or alcohol at work, as well as what could happen if they don’t follow those rules.

 In this article, we will look at the advantages of a drug and alcohol-free workplace policy.

Drug and Alcohol-Free Policy Picture

XYZ Company HR provides employees a safe workplace free of smoke and its by-products. Smoking has been recognized as a negative health factor and is not a protected right. Therefore, no smoking is permitted in any office, work space, or area of XYZ Company HR. Employees, clients, candidates, or other visitors to XYZ Company HR who choose to smoke must do so outside the building and within the guidelines below.

Guidelines for Drug and Alcohol-Free policy

• Smoking is prohibited 30 feet from any entrance to our buildings.

• Smokers are expected to dispose of their own cigarette butts in an appropriate and safe manner by placing butts in a trash receptacle, ensuring first that it has been properly extinguished. Littering by throwing butts on the ground is not an acceptable disposal solution. It is neither environmentally or aesthetically pleasing.


XYZ Company Drug and Alcohol-Free policy is to have a work environment free from the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of alcohol or a controlled substance.

Employees who violate this policy and anyone not complying with the following listed responsibilities will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. 

Discipline will be handled according to disciplinary procedures in this Employee Handbook.

Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol, as well as the consumption of alcohol and/or possession of an open container on XYZ Company HR premises is not allowed.

Employee Responsibilities

1. All employees are prohibited from manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing, or using alcohol or controlled substances on company premises before, during, or after work hours.

2. Read, understand, and abide by this policy.

3. Notify top management (or supervisor) of any criminal drug statute conviction no later than five days after such conviction.

4. Be willing to satisfactorily participate in a drug/alcohol abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if convicted for a violation of this policy.

5. If under a physician’s care and taking prescription drugs that may impair work performance, notify the immediate supervisor.

6. Refrain from the use of any legal or illegal substance (drugs or alcohol) that would impair work performance.

Immediate Supervisor Responsibilities

1. Inform all immediate subordinates of this policy.

2. Inform top management when an employee notifies the supervisor of his/her conviction of a criminal drug statute violation in the workplace.

3. Immediately contact Human Resources when an employee is observed or has been reported to have been observed to be under the influence or impaired by drugs or alcohol while on company premises or during work hours.

4. Take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the employee suspected to be impaired, and all employees as necessary.

Top Management Responsibilities

1. Ensure that employees convicted of a criminal statute with respect to the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance in the workplace are offered drug rehabilitation and/or take appropriate disciplinary measures up to and including termination of employment.

2. Ensure that employees who have been confirmed to have distributed, dispensed, possessed or were under the influence of alcohol in the workplace are offered drug rehabilitation and/or take appropriate disciplinary measures up to and including termination of employment.

It is XYZ Company HR’s goal to provide a safe work environment and a healthy, productive workforce. Ongoing compliance with the policy statement is required of all employees. 

While XYZ Company HR expects that all employees will voluntarily comply with this Drug and Alcohol-Free Policy, employees who exhibit signs or symptoms of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs may be referred for testing.

In conclusion, putting in place a drug and alcohol-free policy is an essential first step for any business dedicated to giving its workers a secure and healthy work environment. Employers can not only lessen the hazards connected with substance addiction but also foster a culture of accountability and responsibility by creating clear guidelines, offering education and support, and enforcing penalties for policy infractions. 

Hope this Drug and Alcohol-Free Policy will help your organization to become a drug free environment.

Also read Outside Employment Policy 2023

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