ESI Dispensaries Picture

Before understanding the benefits of ESI Dispensaries, we need to understand ESI. Employee State Insurance (ESI) is a comprehensive healthcare and social security scheme introduced by the government to provide medical benefits and financial support to employees and their dependents. Under this scheme, ESI Hospitals and ESI Dispensaries play a crucial role in delivering affordable and accessible healthcare services to insured individuals. In this article, we will explore the concept of ESI, delve into the services provided by ESI Hospitals and ESI Dispensaries, and highlight their significance in ensuring the well-being of employees.

ESI Dispensaries Picture

What is ESI?

ESI, or Employee State Insurance, is a statutory insurance scheme governed by the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948. Its primary objective is to provide employees with comprehensive social security benefits, including medical care, cash benefits during sickness or disability, maternity benefits, and more. ESI is applicable to all employees working in establishments with the salary below Rs.21000 (Current Slab).

ESI Hospitals

ESI Hospitals are specialized healthcare facilities established by the government to cater to insured employees and their families. These hospitals are equipped with modern medical infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, and highly trained healthcare professionals. ESI Hospitals offer a wide range of medical services, including outpatient consultations, diagnostic tests, emergency care, surgeries, and specialized treatments. The hospitals aim to provide comprehensive healthcare services under one roof, ensuring that insured individuals receive quality treatment without financial burden.

Key Features and Benefits of ESI Hospitals

In-Patient Services:

ESI Hospitals offer beds and accommodation for insured individuals requiring hospitalization. The facilities provide round-the-clock medical supervision, nursing care, and specialized treatments as per the patient’s medical needs.

Outpatient Services:

Insured employees and their dependents can avail themselves of outpatient services, including consultations with doctors, diagnostic tests, and prescription medications.

Specialist Care: 

ESI Hospitals have specialist doctors from various disciplines to address specific medical conditions and offer expert consultations and treatments.

Emergency Care

These hospitals have well-equipped emergency departments to handle medical emergencies promptly and efficiently.

Affordable Treatment: One of the significant advantages of ESI Hospitals is that insured individuals receive medical care at highly subsidized rates or even free of cost, depending on their income level.

ESI Dispensaries

ESI Dispensaries are primary healthcare centers established under the ESI scheme to provide basic medical services to insured employees and their families. These dispensaries act as the first point of contact for individuals seeking medical assistance. ESI Dispensaries are usually located in close proximity to workplaces or residential areas to ensure easy access for beneficiaries.

Services Offered by ESI Dispensaries

Consultations: ESI Dispensaries provide primary healthcare services, including consultations with general physicians and specialists, as required.

Medications: Dispensaries offer free or subsidized medicines to insured individuals based on the prescribed treatment.

Preventive Care: ESI Dispensaries conduct health check-ups, immunizations, and awareness programs to promote preventive healthcare among employees.

Referrals: In cases where specialized treatment or further investigations are required, ESI Dispensaries refer patients to ESI Hospitals or empaneled private hospitals, ensuring continuity of care.

The ESI scheme, along with ESI Hospitals and ESI Dispensaries, plays a vital role in providing accessible and affordable healthcare services to employees and their families. These healthcare facilities are instrumental in ensuring the well-being and financial security of insured individuals, making healthcare more inclusive and affordable. By offering a wide range of medical services and support, ESI Hospitals and ESI Dispensaries contribute significant service to the employees.


What are the limits of ESI?

The salary threshold for ESIC deduction is currently 21,000 per month. Accordingly, neither the employee nor the employer are required to make a contribution to the ESIC fund if the employee’s wage is greater than 21,000 per month.

What is the contribution to be made to the ESI Account?

Employer’s Contribution for the ESI is 3.25 percent and Employee Contribution for the ESI is 0.75 percent as of July 1st, 2019

How can I get an ESI pechan card?

The employer must download the ESI or penchant application form from the ESIC webpage and fill it out with the employee’s information.  The employee must then turn in a copy of this form together with properly authenticated family and dependent photos.  After conducting the necessary investigations, the ESIC office issues the employee with an ESI card. The portal also offers online downloads of the ESIC Card. The option to download an employee’s EISC card is available after the employer logs into the ESIC portal.

Can I withdraw the ESI amount?

A premium for health insurance is known as ESI. There is no opportunity to withdraw money from the ESI Account in the event that no benefit is realized.

What are the benefits of ESI?

1. Medical benefits: For insured individuals and their families, reasonable, all-inclusive medical care and clinical investigation are provided.

2. Medical Care: The insured person and his spouse can receive care at an ESI medical facility.

3. Benefits for sickness, including improved and longer benefits.

4. Disability benefits: The employee is compensated for as long as their disability lasts.

5. Dependent Benefits: If an insured individual passes away due to an employment injury, a sum is paid to their dependents.

6. Maternity benefits: 26 weeks of paid maternity leave are provided. In the event of a miscarriage, six weeks are granted.

7. Funeral benefits: A one-time payment of Rs 15,000 is paid for an insured person’s funeral.

8. The Rajiv Gandhi Sharmik Kalyan Yojna (RGSKY) Unemployment Allowance

9. The Rajiv Gandhi Sharmik Kalyan Yojna (RGSKY) Unemployment Allowance

For more FAQs please visit –  ESI website 

Hope this ESI Dispensary Article is useful to you.

Also read Easy steps to exit separated employee (EPF Exit Process) from EPF Employer Portal

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