Resume Picture

Are you fed up with sending out unimpressive resumes that don’t get the attention of potential employers? A strong CV will help you get the job of your dreams. Making a good first impression on a hiring manager starts with your CV, so make it count.

In this Article, we will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to help you craft an impressive resume that stands out from the rest.

Resume Picture


  • One page is ideal, and two pages maximum
  • The YES or NO pile must be scanned for 10 seconds


Your resume should answer the following questions

What you can do

What you have done

Who you are

What you know

Where you want to go in your career

Why they should hire you


Sufficient details to allow the company to assess your qualifications. It must be written to highlight your experience in relation to the necessary qualifications for the job and the job description.


Depending on the business and job you’re interested in: 

Well-written, concise, with an emphasis on the most significant accomplishments

Neat, clean and organized. No mistakes and printed on superior paper

Have at least two people proofread it.

must be genuine and factual, but every resume should showcase a different set of skills in relation to the position being sought.


What position are you seeking?

What skills, abilities and knowledge do you possess?

What are your key accomplishments?

What is your work history?

Have you shown any leadership or responsibility skills?

What education or training do you have?

Do you engage in any voluntary work or extracurricular activities?


Draw the reader’s attention

Highlight your strengths

Get you the interview




  • Describe the position in exact detail and, if applicable, add the job number.
  • Example: Accountant I (Job #1235GX)
  • Make the job objective bold so it will be noticeable!
  • When applying for jobs, alter your goal.


Instead of a Job Objective, you can create a strong profile statement that highlights your abilities and knowledge

Example: Sales Management position using expertise in motivating sales personnel, increasing sales and creation of effective programs contributing to higher organizational profits and market share.


  • List your interpersonal qualifications that stand out (see Interpersonal Traits)
  • Compare your qualities or skills to those provided in the job posting.


  • Show off your proficiency with computers and software by entering this category.
  • This section will highlight your knowledge of computers and devices.
  • Affects candidates for web design, programming, and graphic design


  • Jobs are arranged chronologically by date, starting with the most recent.
  • Each job description should begin with an action verb (see list).
  • Use numerical evidence to highlight your successes ($,%, #)
  • Specify only employment from the past 5–7 years.
  • List 3 to 4 tasks per job (more specific tasks for current or related jobs are required).
  • Include employment responsibilities that are comparable to the position you’re looking for.

Examples using strong active verbs:

  • 25 people under my supervision worked on copywriting, artwork, and layouts for a daily newspaper
  • Organized display cases increasing sales by 25%
  • Each day, attend many phone calls and welcome around 50 clients.
  • Led sales staff of nine in selling and servicing approximately 500 printers
  • Assist over 50 people per day, receive numerous recommendations and ensure repeat customers by being friendly and positive
  • Improve the flow of office work by 75% with the introduction of an electronic database filing system


  • Education may be listed before Work History – depends on your background experience and what skills and knowledge are needed for the job
  • The order of your education is based on the date you got each degree.
  • Indicate your degree, focus, and anticipated graduation date.
  • List relevant courses or projects you completed to help you get the job if you have no “real world” work experience
  • When you do not have work or volunteer experience related to the job, then you can showcase your educational experience by listing related courses and/or projects 

Foothill College, Los Altos Hills

A.A. in Business Administration, due in June 2011,

Goal: Fall 2010 transfer to UC San Diego

Relevant Courses: Accounting, Statistics, Principles of Business, QuarkXpress 



  • High school, college or community awards
  • Athletic or team awards
  • Put only the award name in place of the dates.


  • You may choose to list any scholarships under honors/award; however, if you received many scholarships, then make a separate section so they stand out!


  • Shows that you are involved with projects outside of work and school
  • If you do not have paid work experience related to the job, then showcase your related volunteer and/or leadership experience


  • Clearly demonstrates your versatility as a student.
  • If you haven’t joined a club yet, do so now!
  • Shows team work and group involvement
  • Also shows that you are focused on your major and going a step beyond the classroom


  • Important category for those students involved in ASFC or some form of student government
  • If you are an elected official in a club, please let the employer know as well.

Vice President, Business Club

Marketing Manager, Christian Fellowship Club

Web Designer, Astronomy Club

All of these optional categories are not required. I am listing these to show you how to organize your information so that they stand out – and – the hiring manager will be impressed with your background. Use it anyway you like or create a section just for you! 

Writing Accomplishment Statements:

Problem Solution Result  Method 

  1. Employers are more interested in learning about your accomplishments and contributions than just your work duties. In order to create accomplishment statements that are effective, you can use the Problem Solution Result technique.
  2. List the skills you want to use and the skills your employer needs in the beginning (see job posting for details). Use the PSR technique to develop statements for the top three to five important talents.
  3. Describe a scenario in which you applied some of these techniques to a challenge.
  4. Describe the solution you came up with or the steps you took to resolve this issue.
  5. Describe the outcome of your decision (how it affected your position, your division, or the business).
  6. Follow steps 2-4 to create a succinct summary (one or two short statements) of your accomplishment. 


Nowadays, it is standard procedure for employers to ask job applicants to submit their resumes electronically rather than by postal mail, or for applications to be submitted online. Here is a short and simple tutorial on how to create an electronic resume.

An electronic resume can be produced in the following ways:

  • a scanned document with text formatting
  • a resume that can be email pasted
  • A resume that is directly submitted to a resume database on the internet

Create a Multi-purpose Electronic Resume:

  • Verify your resume for any grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • From the File menu, select “Save As” to save your Word document.
  • There will be a dialogue box. You must modify the file’s name. 
  • Save your file, then exit.
  • Open the text file you’ve saved in a text editor like Notepad or Simpletext. All of your formatting, including bold and italics, will be lost. The text will be justified to the left.


  • To highlight text, do not use boldface, underlining, or bullets; instead, use asterisks (*), plus signs (+), or capital letters.
  • You should choose a 10 or 12 point font size.
  • To divide headings, use several dashes.
  • Aim for lines of 60–65 characters.
  • Always send a friend a copy of your final draft that you’ve copied and pasted into an email.

E-mail Address:

Create a unique email address just for applying for jobs. Avoid using your work email if you are employed and looking for jobs.

Unless the industry you are joining is quirky, avoid using an e-mail address that can come out as unprofessional or “too quirky”. 

How to fill out an Application

I don’t need to be cautious about the application because my résumé is excellent, right? Wrong!

Filling out the application form carefully is important since it serves as another representation of your qualifications and another tool used by companies to select candidates for interviews.

Prepare Your Information: Bring a professional binder with all the information you might need to finish the job application. The use of a “master” application form is quite beneficial. Prepare a resume and a list of any prior institutions you may have attended as well as employers

Include your addresses and any employment or attendance dates. the number on your social security card. Have at least three references—personal or professional—available with their accurate names and addresses.

Be Sure: Make sure to carefully read the instructions for each application. Before you fill it out, do this. Don’t rush; take your time to complete each area in a tidy and thorough manner. Once finished, review the application at least twice for potential errors. Ask someone else to review your completed application whenever possible. 

Be Neat: Be as orderly as you can. Make a good impression with your application. When it’s feasible, type the application. Bring a pen with you if you plan to complete the application there and then. We advise using a black, erasable pen. Steer clear of scratch outs; they make the application appear unkempt.

Be Complete: Do not omit any text. If a question doesn’t apply to you, leave it blank or enter N/A, which stands for “not applicable.” Never say, “See resume.” Pay close attention to the directions. An exception to this rule is if you think that leaving a question unanswered will increase your odds rather than decreasing them.

Be Honest: Don’t ever fabricate an application. The foundation of an employer-employee relationship must be trust. Lying on an application is grounds for termination later on.

Be Positive: Look for opportunities to highlight your qualities and achievements that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Whenever possible, use action verbs.

Application Sections:

Personal Information: Use your full name, not a “nickname.” 

Salary Desired: We suggest using “Negotiable” or “Open.”

Availability: Be as flexible as you can with your schedule to avoid disqualifying yourself for the job.

Education/Experience: Fill out the form completely. Never type “see resume.” As you describe your experience, try to include accomplishment statements and verbs with action.

Reasons for Leaving a Previous Job: You will typically be asked to explain your reasons for leaving previous employers when completing an application. You must select how to inform the company of your decision to depart without being denied an interview. 

Below is a list of possible reasons and alternative ways of stating them


Use people who can remember you and speak to your professional skills as references. Let your references know that you might need to contact them for references. Make sure your references are aware of the position you are applying for and your qualifications for it. 

In conclusion, job seekers who want to stand out from the competition and win their ideal job must have an impressive and well-written CV. 

Finally, putting in the time and effort to create a strong resume can pay off handsomely by expanding one’s career options and advancing one’s professional goals.

Hope these resume tips are useful to you.

Also read powerful Interview Techniques

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